A note for 2024: Of leaders we need more



Photo by Arrie Wubben, Unsplash

A call for leadership

A new year has taken off, tainted by war, climate change and global despair.
It is hard to take note of any progress amidst VUCA and all that is unfair.

The need for leadership has never been greater than right now.
Skilled, novice, near and far, it is time to execute on the how.

All we want is a sustainable world where purpose and profit reside hand in hand,
where knowledge and care wipes the darkness away from land to land.

Circularity, connectivity, and challenging crises are there to be met,
getting ahead requires an open mindset, collaboration and grit. Go get!

And leaders who lead! Vision clear, igniting hope, action and stride,
inspiring hearts and minds with trust, transparency and selfless pride!

Providing a table for dialogue, a feast of minds,
where unity in diversity truly binds.

Building bridges, creating understanding,
not building walls of selfish demanding.

Who listens to nature’s whisper, or rather its roar to act.
What the planet needs, you and me, is based on fact!

Through efficiency and innovation in a mindful blend,
humanity and technology can readily transcend.

And when algorithms rule and wild runs the AI code,
leaders must navigate with clarity this digital road.

So let us rise, reconcile differences and foster love not hate,
enabling the road ahead for those who need others to illuminate.

While all can lead, some are true masters of ambiguity,
showing the way, charting the course, enabling continuity.

Reaching beyond the continuum of leader and lead,
ensuring that more than ones’ own needs are fed.

From engineering to culture, a holistic view.
Systemic leaders weave a narrative true.

Here is to YOU willing to lead: Be courageous and bold!
A new story on leadership desperately needs to be told.



January 8, 2024

More on VUCA and duality: https://moov.se/we-are-all-about-to-vuca/

All 20 thoughts for the 2020’s: https://moov.se/20-thoughts-for-2020/
